Interesting Facts
Interesting facts for beards, moustaches, and general male grooming. A look at interesting questions and statistics.
10 More of the Best Beards in Gaming
Sergey Galyonkin from Raleigh, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
How a video game character looks can significantly determine the audience’s perception. These personas often engage in battles or gunfights, so they need to look stronger than their opponents.
How can they project toughness? A beard is an excellent starting point. Some of the greatest video games ever have included guys with incredible facial hair.
What characters stand out? Here are even more of the best beards in gaming.
How Does Beard Hair Growth Change as You Age?
Ageing is a part of life, so there’s not much sense in fighting it. As you get older, you may notice the signs when you look in the mirror. Where are the ageing effects most prominent? Look no further than your hair. While these body changes are natural, there are ways to take control. Here’s a guide to your hair and beard growth as you age.
Surprising Sources of Nutrients for Healthy Skin and Hair
Many people invest heavily in products in the quest for healthy skin and hair. While these items can be beneficial, consuming the proper nutrients is essential, particularly if you aim to grow a beard, combat acne or address hair loss. In addition to fruits and vegetables, unexpected food sources offer essential nutrients to promote the health and appearance of your skin and hair.
Long Beard Hazards You Might Not Expect
Long beards are back in style as they display your wisdom, charisma and good looks. Catching people staring at my beard when I grow it out never gets old
However, growing your facial hair isn’t as easy as some people make it out to be. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a big mess on your hands. You also risk getting hurt if you don’t maintain your beard and take the proper precautions.
Your beard is typically safe daily, but you may occasionally encounter unexpected hazards that make life more complicated. What are these hazards?
The Impact of Facial Hair on Photo ID Verification
Your ID photo will last a while, so you go through your grooming routine and look professional when it’s time to take one. Some guys keep their beards and simply trim them to look spiffy, while others might shave completely to look their best or comply with workplace rules. However, consider what happens when you need to verify your ID — will you get through without trouble or must you prove your identity further?