How-To Guides
Male grooming how-to guides for beards, moustaches and general male grooming. I'll be publishing interesting articles on how to get the best out of your beard, mousatche and grooming routine.
Great Costume Party Ideas for Bearded Men
When the holiday season rolls around, it’s time to eat and celebrate. How do you decide what outfit to wear to a friend’s party or work event? Beards make the decisions easier.
With facial hair, you have numerous options on the table. While fake beards are fun, they don’t match up to costumes that take advantage of your authentic hair.
Regardless of your choice, you need the proper tools to maximise your costume. Here are costume party ideas and the tools you need to create your iconic look.
What Causes Facial Sensitivity and How to Deal With It
Ageing is a part of life, so there’s not much sense in fighting it. As you get older, you may notice the signs when you look in the mirror. Where are the ageing effects most prominent? Look no further than your hair. While these body changes are natural, there are ways to take control. Here’s a guide to your hair and beard growth as you age.
Nautical Style: Maintaining Your Beard Over Open Waters
Holidays mean it’s time to feel the water and sand between your toes. While the warm temperatures are pleasant, the climate could negatively affect your beard. Don’t stop yourself from riding jet skis or swimming in a pool to beat the heat. However, your beard should be a priority when going out on the water.
The last thing you want is a dried and damaged beard as a holiday souvenir. Here’s how to look good while having fun on the water.
How Do Electric Razors Work?
Mk2010, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Electric razors have become commonplace for shaving because of their speed and convenience. While traditional devices are great, people often gravitate towards an electric shaver if they have limited time and other things to do.
Grooming and Style Tips When Dealing With Hair Loss
No one likes to go bald, but that’s the reality for many men. Baldness can be a daunting journey as you navigate ageing. However, embracing this with confidence and a touch of styling can transform your look and how you feel about this natural occurrence. Discover the common causes of hair loss and styling tips to feel your best.